Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Reality is highly over rated!

Every now and then I think..."Hmmm it would be kind of fun to have a reality show".  (Minus the dysfunction,  drama, lack of privacy and people following you with cameras) But other than that it would be fun.  Ours could be called "Lifestyles of the Plain and Ordinary" I've written the pilot episode below.  Let me know if you think I'm on to something.

7:30am Mom where's the clean socks?
7:40am Mom...there's NO clean socks.
7:42am MOM...WHY are there no clean socks?
7:43am I run back to bed and lock the door.
8:00am Fruit Loops, wipe off crusty counter, and throw load of socks in washer. (I hope you're happy sock police)
9:00am Wipe off crusty counter, and somewhere in there have a few conversations about school,work, a bad sunburn, the Twins, the dangers of bridge jumping,  and who's taking the car.
10:00am Work (for me that's at my dining table)
10:12am Text hubby.  Laugh. Text friend. Laugh Text hubby again. Laugh.
10:13am Stop procrastinating and get back to work
12:00pm Re-heat spaghetti.
12:15 Wipe off crusty counter, open window to get spaghetti smell out, taxi kids to and fro for a bit. Look for lost 13 yr old's swim suit. Find favorite missing fingernail polish. (no swim suit)

AFTERNOON: Work, work, drive to store for groceries bought with coupons, errands, griping a little at the gas pump. Wipe off crusty counter.  Sweep, vacuum, blah blah blah. Ooops..and shut window that was left open after spaghetti and cringe because the AC is on full blast.
4:00pmThink about supper, put wet socks in dryer, throw in a load of boxers to keep the sock police from bringing me up on laundry charges.
4:30pm Think more about supper, decide dad can grill, resolve dispute with children about a missing ipod. Throw in one more warning about the dangers of bridge jumping if the water is too shallow.
5:00pm Daddy's home!  Grill, chat, wipe off crusty counter. Resolve dispute about who's doing dishes.

EVENING: Softball, DQ, a little FoodNetwork, read, water the plants. Wipe. Off. The. Crusty. Counter.
10:30pm Find out how long your 17 yr old will be at AppleBees and remind him to lock the door when he comes home. Oh and ask him if he jumped off the bridge.
11:00pmThink about going to bed. Kisses for other kids, reminder to look for swimsuit.
11:12pm Get sucked into Facebook
11:45pm Turn off kitchen light...and notice the crusty counter. HOW? For the love of all things good HOW??
12:00 Pillow talk:  "Did you take the garbage out?"  "Let's run away to Hawaii"  You know, typical stuff.
12:10am Peaceful Sleep.....Ahhhhh.....ZZZZzzzZZzzzzzzz......
12:30am 17 year old AppleBee's breath in your face whispering "Mom, did you wash socks today?"

Now folks THAT is some exciting reality!!!


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