Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Blog Pressure

So being this is my very first blog post I feel pressure.  Bloggerpressure.  I'll bet that may become a new word one day.  Like texter's thumb.  Or cellphone ear.  Oh wait, that's cauliflower ear and has to do with wrestling.  Never mind.  See, bloggerpressure has already gotten to me.  I mean what should one post her very first time on a blog?  Seems like it should be something hugely monumental like how to solve world hunger, or how to help Paris Hilton become famous for doing nothing.  Oh wait, she already is.  See...bloggerpressure.  I thought about telling you my New Year's resolutions.  But that seemed rather typical for a January post.  Besides I don't usually share them so when I fail, no one can look down their nose at me.  It's a win-win.  I also thought I might write about the cold weather.  But (yawn) seriously that (yawn) is not exactly (yawn) an exciting topic.  I live in MN. It's cold. Deal with it. Get some wool socks.  See not much there.  Bloggerpressure.  There's many many random things I could write how I think freshly ground coffee smells like tuna.  Or how eating Big Red gum gives me really bad canker sores.  Yet none of those seemed quite right for a first blogpost.  So I'm thinking of taking an aspirin and lying down a while until all this pressure passes.  Then I'll be back with something awesome to tell you!  Maybe I'll figure out the world hunger thing by then.


  1. Love this Jen! So you! Looking forward to reading more! :)

  2. If you talk about world hunger, you might have to enter a beauty pageant.

  3. Im guessing you want to solve world hunger cuz you have been jealous of Debbie for being in the Miss Fergus Falls pageant 22 years ago. You have been thinking "that was supposed to be ME!!!"

    On a side note... Think of all the stories you could share..... If you need help remembering them I could give you some hints. :)

  4. Jen, we will let bloggerpressure go, but we draw the line at bloggerism! Love you!


Here's your chance to fire away!