Friday, January 21, 2011

Three Little Words

You're probably thinking awwww she's going to write about those three little words.  The words we all long to hear.  As much as I adore those three little words and even say them many times a day to those around me, they aren't the ones I'm thinking of right now.  These words I write of today are completely different but sometimes popular around here too... I've even been known to say them to myself.  Here's a picture that will help you understand.

                                                              "ARE YOU DUMB?"

Now wait...before you go all Dr. Phil on me and call the child psychologist.  My children know I don't really think they are dumb.  Remember I homeschool them, so of course their brillance is unmatched in the tri-county area.  They know this is how I lovingly ask them if they are off their rockers.  If they have a screw loose... If their elevator goes all the way to the top...If their cake is frosted.  You get the gist.  On this particular day my son happened to be the recipient of the three little words.  I don't really need to explain do I?  I mean it's not exactly balmy here right now.  In fact the day this was taken I think I may have used five words.  Something like "DUDE....HELLO???...ARE YOU DUMB?" Appropriate if you ask me.  As I've been writing this post I realize I use lots of three word phrases in my life. 

Here's my Top 5 on any given day

1. You JUST ate.

2. Pick that up.  ( I do try and say please, but this isn't the four word phrase list)

3. What's that SMELL? (use your imagination)

4. Think it through.  (something I say to them so I don't have to ask 'Are you Dumb?' as often)

5. You JUST ate.  (sometimes this one is actually said 'Seriously..really? just ate)  And yes I realize I said this one twice.

So you see, 'Are you dumb?' isn't even in the top 5 daily phrases.  Dr. Phil can keep his job helping shoe addicts, excessive flossers, and the women who love them.  I for one think I'll go tell my kids those other three little words.  The ones I mean the very most, and the ones I know they love to hear.    "Time for lunch"


  1. Love it, and it is so totally JEN! you make me giggle;)

  2. Oh...the life of a mother! If you couldn't laugh, what would you do?
    Love it!

  3. I have just "three" words to say..."That's my daughter!!" and a "few" more...God is Good!! and WE done good!! What a woman!!

  4. My three words: You are HILARIOUS!
    Jen's the BOMB!
    I <3 Jen!

  5. I once made the mistake of asking my two oldest, "do you think I'm stupid, or what?" Uh, they looked at each other, back at me and answered truthfully, "YES."

    Honesty is probably my 1 and only nonnegotiable in life, so I guess I've taught them well ... and learned to be careful what you ask!

  6. you always make me laugh Jen! your posts are awesome and very entertaining and enlightening to me. thanks for the chuckles and clearing up that it's sometimes Ok to say something like "are you dumb?" when appropriate. my most popular 3 word phrase is probably "because i said"


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