Thursday, June 16, 2011

I don't understand...

Do you ever find yourself saying "I don't understand...(fill in the blank).  I say this probably as much to myself as I do to those around me.  Granted, there is much in life to be perplexed by.  We are only human afterall and have a very limited capacity to grasp many things of significance.  I mean can anyone fully comprehend the miracle of a baby being conceived and 9 months later there is a perfect person?  A new little human being that will leave it's eternal print on the world. I don't know about you but I don't even attempt to understand with my natural mind how that's even possible. And I was blessed enough to grow three of them in my belly.  But I have to admit, other than eat, sleep and do my best to stay healthy, I really didn't have a whole lot to do with it.  Those three perfectly formed humans that came out of my belly demonstrate God's handiwork at it's best...and so, I sit back and delightfully say "I don't understand...but I ever marvel."

So, I've just touched on a more serious, monumental type of "I don't understand..." The kind that's deep, philisophical, and mind blowing.  Oh and there are many more of those.  Many things in life confound us and make us scratch our heads.  But I'd like to focus on a few other, shall we say far less monumental ones. 

I don't understand...why they had to bring the alphabet into math.  I mean isn't math about numbers and reading about the alphabet?  I'm all for multi-tasking, but I just don't see what X has to do with anything.

I don't understand...why as soon as I need to use the bathroom I get three urgent voicemails, 2 texts and the UPS man comes to the door. 

I don't understand...what makes a person say "I think I'd like to be a proctologist"

I don't understand...boys wearing skinny jeans. I'm all for fashion, looking good, and liking what you wear.  So maybe the better way to put it is I don't understand WHY anyone thinks skinny jeans look good on boys?  Maybe it's an eye sight issue on my part.  Or an age issue.  My mom never liked those rolled up, pinned at the ankle jeans I wore in the 80's either.

As long as we're on the skinny jean thing....I don't understand many people wear skinny jeans, when they are...well, not skinny.  I think that needs to be a pre-requisite. No offense to anyone, but hey unless your legs actually DO look like straws I think boot cut is the way to go.  No?

I'm still on the jean thing...I don't understand...women who go into the hospital to have their baby and come out two days later wearing their jeans (skinny or not)  buttoned, zipped, and belted.  Not only do I not understand these women I don't like them very much either.  These are the same women that can eat chocolate chip cookies every stinkin day of their lives and go for an ocassional walk.  "I just have a high metabolism."  "It's genetic."  I smile nicely, but inside I'm thinking "Bite me."   Relax, I still love Jesus, He's helping me.  No worries.

I don't understand...why it seemed Alan Greenspan just got to decide what happened everyday with the stock market/ Federal Reserve.  (I know it was,  and is more complex than that) But it just seemed so nonchalant, like he chose the numbers while flipping his lucky quarter.  Maybe that's why they brought the alphabet into math.  Something to do with Greenspan.

I don't my husband can say "I'm going to put some gas on" when he needs to fill the tank.  That my friends has been an ongoing discussion/argument/debate for 23 years.

I don't those computer guys can actually find the black screen, type on it, and the next thing you know my computer has the ability to translate Japanese and get live music streamed in from an Australian shopping mall.

I really could go on and on...and maybe I'll come back here one day and share more of these with you.  But I'm expecting a package from UPS so I'm going to run and use the bathroom real quick.


  1. LOL! Especially the proctologist one... ;)

  2. Haha... "putting gas on" reminds me of some things I've recently found out about speech patterns of those fromhe Indiana (via my roommate). Some of them call green peppers mangoes and all of them (well, most, I suppose) say "This table needs fixed," "What homework needs done?" and "The lawn needs mowed."


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