I have a brother in law who's a piano player. No, seriously...a fancy pants piano player. I realize the technical term is 'classical performer' or 'classical pianist'. He is that too, for sure. But mostly I like to call him a fancy pants piano player. He just had a really fancy pants performance last night at the school where he teaches in the Twin Cities. It's a very well known and respected school of music. It was one of those 'gala' type events....full of pretty people, pretty clothes and lovely music. Rockstar and I were all set to go and then we had car trouble. HUGE BUMMER! I know we'll get other chances to see and hear Fancy Pants play, but still...it was disappointing.
My Rockstar Hubby is the older brother of Fancy Pants, and the music gene decided to skip over him and land on Fancy Pants. Sometimes I find it funny that they're even brothers. Well, there's actually three brothers. Fabio, the oldest. (I call him Fabio because he's been in the entertainment industry for a long time and has acted in TV, commercials, film etc) He's not cheesy at all like Fabio .....I just think it's funny. Don't you? The music gene did land on him too. Not in the same ways maybe, but he definitely got a good dose of it. So Fabio is the oldest brother, then my Rockstar Hubby, and the baby brother is Fancy Pants. (there are 2 sisters in the mingle...Mitzy and Muffy) but more on them another time.
Growing up on the farm Rockstar remembers many, many hours of piano being practiced in the dining room of their home. When I say many hours, I mean MANY. Fancy Pants was only 11 when Rockstar and I started dating, but even then he was pretty focused. It was just a normal thing to talk above the piano, listen to the TV with the volume blaring, and take the phone into the bathroom when it rang so you could hear.
Someone wrote on Fancy Pant's facebook wall this morning about his performance last night. (Lots of people did...stellar reviews) She commented on how her 4th grade piano recital kept coming to mind...how her skirt was stuck in her tights....FUNNY!! Got me thinking of my piano recital days too. The one time I got a piece of candy cane stuck in my tooth right before I was to play 'Dance of the Christmas Elves'. The whole time I played I could hardly concentrate as my tongue kept trying to dislodge the big piece of peppermint in my tooth. I remember sweaty palms, the nervousness of knowing everyone was watching you. How my fingers would feel kind of stiff and cold....like I couldn't move them to play the song. I'll bet a million dollars Fancy Pants did not have cold, stiff fingers, and that he did NOT have a candy cane before his performance...although I do have it on record that he diligently makes sure his fly is zipped before walking on stage. Good strategy.
I took piano lessons for 10, maybe 12 years. My youngest daughter is taking lessons now that we finally have a piano in our home. I'm glad my parents gave me the opportunity to learn. I'm thinking I might even want to take a refresher lesson or two...I think I'd enjoy playing for fun every now and again. I'll never be Fancy Pants...that's for sure...but I'll also never have to worry about getting my skirt stuck in my tights, and I won't chew on a candy cane before I play. I might check my fly though. Seriously that's good thinking.
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