Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Godzilla Eye

Sorry if you're easily grossed out...cuz I realize this is kinda nasty.  But you have to admit sort of cool too in a weird horror movie way.  Some of my friends have dared me to post this on Facebook as my profile picture.  I will refrain from that...but thought I should show off this mysterious wonder on my blog.  Aren't you happy you joined me today? 

I just got back from the clinic to be sure Godzilla eye wasn't anything more menacing than a broken blood vessel.  And thankfully it wasn't.  So weird.  I have no idea how it happened...apparently these things just 'pop' every now and again. Too bad mine popped right during a Women's retreat I spoke at this past weekend.  Made for "colorful" conversation though. We've had a great homeschool lesson on "subconjunctival hemorrhages" today.  (although my 13 year old won't look at me)  It might have something to do with the fact that when she does,  I pop my eyes open really wide and start growling and chasing her around. (hence the name Godzilla)  I'm sorry but I CAN'T resist!!!  I mean how often do you get to look like a freak show?  Don't answer that.  I also look a lot like the pictures on the Mayo Clinic website.  I could have been a Godzilla Mayo Clinic Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Eye Model.   Wow!  Kate Moss, eat your heart out!!  GRRRRRR!!!


  1. I had the same thing happen to me once. Luckily, it looks worse than it feels. Lydia has a brother...this can't be any grosser than some of the things she's seen with him!

    Kim Seeger

  2. ewe!! ha ha, that would have been perfect at Halloween


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