Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A new blog look & Charlie Sheen

I fancied up my blog a little bit.  Actually I'm trying to customize it a little more...learning the blog ropes.  My friend Gen (THANK YOU GEN) sent me this link to picnik.  For those of you who are way more techy than I, you already know what that is.  For those of you who don't,  it's a very cool website where you can do collages, cool stuff with pics, and make headers for blogs and such. I followed a tutorial on my iphone while I made the new header on my computer that you see now on my blog.  I almost threw myself a party.  Complete with balloons and a clown.  No kidding.  I'm normally not very good with stuff like this.   So over the next few weeks/months I'll be adding new features,  and continue to customize the blog.  Aren't you all so excited? If I do throw myself a party I'll invite you, and if you're scared of clowns I'll hold your hand.

Ok, so I don't really have anything more to post tonight.  Just wanted to see what you all think of this new look.  I guess as long as I'm on here though....can I just take a moment to comment on Charlie Sheen?  Charlie holy cats I'm off my rocker Sheen. 

I normally don't pay much attention to Hollywood.  I mean l know the general hoopla...
Lady Gaga, kooky, but amazing voice.
Britney, making a come back, 'baby one more time'
Linsday, stole a necklace, Why?  Really.  Why?  Sorry, 'allegedly' stole a necklace
Gwyneth, pretty actress, should let her husband do the singing
Steven Tyler, Idol Judge, still has a big mouth
JLo, Idol Judge, still has a big...well some people say 'behind'.   I for one, would take it.

But've never been a huge Charlie fan mind you.  Don't watch his show... but out of pure curiosity I listened to a bunch of his interviews the other day.  I don't know if you can really call them interviews. Such incoherent ramblings.  It's really easy to get kind of disgusted and just dismiss him as another arrogant, self absorbed, womanizing, creep in Hollywood. And if you watch him he certainly does fit that description to a T.  But something else inside me feels deep compassion and sorrow for Mr. Sheen.  Obviously he's in need of great help.  Ultimately he needs the help that only a Savior can give.  We all are in need of that kind of help, Charlie is no different. 

 So tonight I think of Charlie and the day he was born.  The great joy that he must have brought to his parents.  What a cute little boy he must have been playing cars, and baseball.  Then I think of our God, who created him.  Who knew Him before he was born.  Who still knows the very number of hairs on his head.  And who loves Charlie...deeply and unconditionally loves him,  and wants nothing more than to have a relationship with him.  To restore him and bring him to a place of repentence, peace, and joy.  True joy in Him.  Will it happen?  I don't know.  It's hard to not be cynical when you hear Charlie talk.  It's hard to think he'll ever come to that place.  But tonight, I choose to believe in a God who is big.  Bigger even,  than all the mess Charlie is in.  He is able... well able, and mighty to save.  So tonight I am going to say a prayer for Charlie.  Because I believe prayer does change things.  God's love is not too far away for anyone.  It reaches all the way to Hollywood and back again.

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