Yuki Kouki. I only remember her name because in my mind I thought it rhymed. If you say it in Japanese I'm not sure it actually would rhyme, but that's how I've always remembered it. Yuki was my pen pal in the 5th grade. It was one of those class projects the teacher asked if we'd be interested in. Even as a young girl I enjoyed writing. Letters, notes, it didn't matter. I just liked to write. So what could be more fun than having a pen pal? I remember the day we had to choose which country our pen pal would be from. We only had a few choices and I picked Japan because I liked rice. Seems like a perfectly good reason to an eleven year old right? It makes me smile now at the depths (or lack of depths) I went to in choosing my country.
I wish I could say that Yuki and I forged a lifelong friendship filled with letters of our childhood antics, our first dates, our graduations, loves, heartbreaks, and so on. But we didn't. Yuki and I wrote a handful of letters to each other for about a year. Her life was starkly different from mine in some ways. She was an only child living in a city north of Tokyo I think. I wish I could remember the name. She lived with her parents, grandparents (and maybe an uncle?) in an apartment. I remember her mom was a nurse. Meanwhile, across the globe, I had two younger brothers, lived in an old two story victorian, in small town, middle America. We had a big backyard and a neighborhood full of kids. I remember thinking how fun it would be to live with my grandparents...and in an apartment?! Wow...as a kid there was nothing more exciting than that! Her life seemed almost glamorous to me. Looking back I wonder how she felt about mine? Did she ever think about playing in a big back yard with lots of grass, just like I thought about the busy city and the elevator she took every day up to her apartment?
Even though Yuki and I lived worlds apart we also had some 'eleven year old girl similarities'. We enjoyed school, and playing piano. We both hated cats. (sorry cat lovers) We were both in love...and I mean real, true LOVE with teen heart throb Shawn Cassidy and even had the same poster hanging in our bedrooms. I can't tell you how much I wish I could find her letters. She wrote a poem once about our shared love for Shawn and I remember thinking she was nothing short of brilliant!
I loved Twinkies, and she loved these cake things...or pies, I'm not sure, but they were called Choco Shrooms, or Choco Pies. (I had to google to remember) The other day when the earthquake hit and the devastation began it was one of the first things I thought of. Yuki, and those pies she loved so much. I know how odd it may seem seem to think of something so trivial in the face of such tragedy. But then I realized how easy it is to look at the news and see what's going on over there but not feel a real connection to it. Sure, the footage is horrific. We see the images and hear the heartbreaking stories. It causes all of us, or at least it should, to pause and reflect on our own lives. To be thankful for all the blessings we have in every moment.
I wish I could say I thought about Japan and her people often before this tragedy... but I didn't. I wish I could say I was moved to pray for them before this tragedy...but I wasn't. I didn't even really think of Yuki very much until this all happened. But when it did happen, there she was. Yuki, and her love of Choco Pies. Yuki and her jet black hair and brown eyes. So opposite of my blond, blue eyed self. I thought of Yuki in her apartment, where I'm sure she ate rice with her grandparents.
I wish I knew what became of her, my pen pal friend. I wonder if she still lives in Japan. And if so, was she was hurt, or even worse? I'm sure she hasn't given her American pen pal , a single thought in the wake of all that's happened. But if I could, I would tell her that someone across the world remembers her. I'd tell her how sorry I am, and how much I wish I could help her in some way. I'd cry with her over what's happening to her beautiful country. I'd remind her what a great poet she was at age eleven and ask if she still likes to write. I'd ask her if I could say a prayer for her that God would comfort her and give her strength.
I understand now why thinking of Yuki and her love of pies was not trivial. It wasn't trivial because Japan is not just some country...some abstract place.... with abstract people....it's full of Yuki's who live in apartments and homes, who are nurses, and ride in elevators, and love Shawn Cassidy. (I guess now it would be Justin Bieber) It's a place where families celebrate birthdays, go on vacations, sing songs in the shower and eat rice and Choco Pies. And maybe even Twinkies. It's a place that I will keep praying for in the weeks and months ahead. And Yuki, if you are there, I hope you are well and safe. As well and safe as can be expected I guess. And I'd like to say thank you for giving me a face for Japan, so I can continue to remember you and your country with compassion, and even hope for the future.
With Love...Your pen pal,
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A Face for Japan
pen pal,
Monday, March 14, 2011
I Had NO idea (Bee)
'I had no idea'...How often do we say that? The more I've been thinking about it the more I realize I say it quite a bit. The other day I wrote about my husband for his Birthday tribute. It was all about the many 'I had no ideas' since marrying him. After that post I've had so many other things come to mind. So that's why I think I'll be writing some 'I had no idea' posts every now and then.
Just the other night we were at the last game of the season for my son's Basketball team. I happened to get this great picture.
This is my daughter and her friend in the sombrero. Gracia...lovingly called "Garcia" by some. Aren't they cute? And guess what? 'I had no idea' they would ever be at a Hillcrest boys basketball game together! Futhermore they played girls basket ball together too. See, here's the scoop... Gracia's mom and I met over 28 years ago at the very same school, and became lifelong friends in the process.
Just the other night we were at the last game of the season for my son's Basketball team. I happened to get this great picture.
This is my daughter and her friend in the sombrero. Gracia...lovingly called "Garcia" by some. Aren't they cute? And guess what? 'I had no idea' they would ever be at a Hillcrest boys basketball game together! Futhermore they played girls basket ball together too. See, here's the scoop... Gracia's mom and I met over 28 years ago at the very same school, and became lifelong friends in the process.
Bee (short for Billi Jo ) and I met when I was only 14 and she was 15. We both attended a Christian boarding school in MN. I lived at home and she in the dorm. She spent many an hour at my house eating popcorn, drinking Diet Coke and watching our favorite show ever ...Magnum P.I.! Oh Tom Selleck how we loved you!!! Bee was like family...in fact when Bee's parents would drive to town for a visit, they would come over to our house. The more popcorn the better was my mom's mantra.
Here's my mom on the right holding our dog Herbie, and Bee's mom Grace...hanging out on our (horrendous) floral couch. In defense of the couch it was 1985 ish...so I guess it was cool. Kind of like Tom Selleck's super short khaki shorts.
This is Paul...Bee's husband..the day he graduated from seminary. (that's my mom in the background...I'm sure she'll LOVE this picture) You see this story is even more interesting. My dad and Paul graduted together from seminary that day. We were all friends and had known Paul for years as he was a dean at our school . I HAD NO IDEA WHAT WOULD HAPPEN NEXT...
Bee and Paul tied the knot!!! (a few years later) ....I was so happy to be a bridesmaid on that lovely September day. Bee was also the maid of honor at my wedding the previous November. I really had no idea... :)
Here's Bee and me at a party before her sister's wedding. That's a whole other post for another day too. You see Bee's sister Missi is also one of my lifelong friends...and her kids and my kids also know each other and play sports together. I had no idea...
In this picture I'm pregnant with our first baby (see the Baby name book) Never mind my hair. Can you say 1990, spiral perm? (I had NO idea hair could ever be so ugly) I had my first child 2 days before her Birthday. Her first child was born the day after my Birthday. Our second children are only 3 days apart!!! And our two daughters are 2 months apart. We still laugh at how that happened. (Of course Bee was a bit braver than I...she ended up having 2 more kids squeezed in for a total of 5 versus my 3)
Here's Bee with Kiki our first daughter at about 4 months old. I love looking back on all these fun pictures and saying "Wow, I had NO idea" No idea that at age 14 and 15 we'd go through school together, drive out to CA and live there together, be in each others weddings, have children at nearly the same times. I had no idea we'd visit each other often and laugh until we were in pain. Literally in pain! We still do!! I had no idea that one day a couple of our kids could graduate together from the same highschool we did.
I'm so thankful for the people God has placed in my life. Today I'm thinking of Bee...but there are just so many. I may not have had any idea what this friendship would mean for all my life...but God sure did. He had all the right ideas. If you're reading this Bee....I want you to come over for some popcorn, Diet Coke and a little hunky Tom Selleck OK? xo
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
A new blog look & Charlie Sheen
I fancied up my blog a little bit. Actually I'm trying to customize it a little more...learning the blog ropes. My friend Gen (THANK YOU GEN) sent me this link to picnik. For those of you who are way more techy than I, you already know what that is. For those of you who don't, it's a very cool website where you can do collages, cool stuff with pics, and make headers for blogs and such. I followed a tutorial on my iphone while I made the new header on my computer that you see now on my blog. I almost threw myself a party. Complete with balloons and a clown. No kidding. I'm normally not very good with stuff like this. So over the next few weeks/months I'll be adding new features, and continue to customize the blog. Aren't you all so excited? If I do throw myself a party I'll invite you, and if you're scared of clowns I'll hold your hand.
Ok, so I don't really have anything more to post tonight. Just wanted to see what you all think of this new look. I guess as long as I'm on here though....can I just take a moment to comment on Charlie Sheen? Charlie holy cats I'm off my rocker Sheen.
I normally don't pay much attention to Hollywood. I mean l know the general hoopla...
Lady Gaga, kooky, but amazing voice.
Britney, making a come back, 'baby one more time'
Linsday, stole a necklace, Why? Really. Why? Sorry, 'allegedly' stole a necklace
Gwyneth, pretty actress, should let her husband do the singing
Steven Tyler, Idol Judge, still has a big mouth
JLo, Idol Judge, still has a big...well some people say 'behind'. I for one, would take it.
But Charlie....wow....I've never been a huge Charlie fan mind you. Don't watch his show... but out of pure curiosity I listened to a bunch of his interviews the other day. I don't know if you can really call them interviews. Such incoherent ramblings. It's really easy to get kind of disgusted and just dismiss him as another arrogant, self absorbed, womanizing, creep in Hollywood. And if you watch him he certainly does fit that description to a T. But something else inside me feels deep compassion and sorrow for Mr. Sheen. Obviously he's in need of great help. Ultimately he needs the help that only a Savior can give. We all are in need of that kind of help, Charlie is no different.
So tonight I think of Charlie and the day he was born. The great joy that he must have brought to his parents. What a cute little boy he must have been playing cars, and baseball. Then I think of our God, who created him. Who knew Him before he was born. Who still knows the very number of hairs on his head. And who loves Charlie...deeply and unconditionally loves him, and wants nothing more than to have a relationship with him. To restore him and bring him to a place of repentence, peace, and joy. True joy in Him. Will it happen? I don't know. It's hard to not be cynical when you hear Charlie talk. It's hard to think he'll ever come to that place. But tonight, I choose to believe in a God who is big. Bigger even, than all the mess Charlie is in. He is able... well able, and mighty to save. So tonight I am going to say a prayer for Charlie. Because I believe prayer does change things. God's love is not too far away for anyone. It reaches all the way to Hollywood and back again.
Ok, so I don't really have anything more to post tonight. Just wanted to see what you all think of this new look. I guess as long as I'm on here though....can I just take a moment to comment on Charlie Sheen? Charlie holy cats I'm off my rocker Sheen.
I normally don't pay much attention to Hollywood. I mean l know the general hoopla...
Lady Gaga, kooky, but amazing voice.
Britney, making a come back, 'baby one more time'
Linsday, stole a necklace, Why? Really. Why? Sorry, 'allegedly' stole a necklace
Gwyneth, pretty actress, should let her husband do the singing
Steven Tyler, Idol Judge, still has a big mouth
JLo, Idol Judge, still has a big...well some people say 'behind'. I for one, would take it.
But Charlie....wow....I've never been a huge Charlie fan mind you. Don't watch his show... but out of pure curiosity I listened to a bunch of his interviews the other day. I don't know if you can really call them interviews. Such incoherent ramblings. It's really easy to get kind of disgusted and just dismiss him as another arrogant, self absorbed, womanizing, creep in Hollywood. And if you watch him he certainly does fit that description to a T. But something else inside me feels deep compassion and sorrow for Mr. Sheen. Obviously he's in need of great help. Ultimately he needs the help that only a Savior can give. We all are in need of that kind of help, Charlie is no different.
So tonight I think of Charlie and the day he was born. The great joy that he must have brought to his parents. What a cute little boy he must have been playing cars, and baseball. Then I think of our God, who created him. Who knew Him before he was born. Who still knows the very number of hairs on his head. And who loves Charlie...deeply and unconditionally loves him, and wants nothing more than to have a relationship with him. To restore him and bring him to a place of repentence, peace, and joy. True joy in Him. Will it happen? I don't know. It's hard to not be cynical when you hear Charlie talk. It's hard to think he'll ever come to that place. But tonight, I choose to believe in a God who is big. Bigger even, than all the mess Charlie is in. He is able... well able, and mighty to save. So tonight I am going to say a prayer for Charlie. Because I believe prayer does change things. God's love is not too far away for anyone. It reaches all the way to Hollywood and back again.
American Idol,
Charlie Sheen,
Monday, March 7, 2011
I have a good idea now
Last month my hubby turned 42. He catches up with me every year and for a time we're the same age. We're only 5 months apart, but he likes to remind me often that he married an 'older' woman. He's right...I was a whopping 20 (barely) when we married and he was still only 19. Crazy. Crazy? Some would for sure say it was crazy. We have a child who is currently our age when we got married. In fact if she took after her father she'd already be married.
Now when I look back I don't think it was crazy I just realize I had no idea what I was getting into!! Usually when someone says that it's a bad thing....but for me it's just the opposite. I had no idea he was even better than I thought. (Hey this is my Rockstar's Birthday tribute...so I get to be mushy ooey gooey ok?) So here's my Birthday list for my baby...some of the "I had no ideas"
I had no idea...that...
~He would make me laugh as much as he does.
~He would never sing. Not even in the shower.
~He would do projects for me at 11:00pm even when he's bone tired. All because I'm a night owl and get creative. (see above picture)
~He would love me so fiercely.
~He would be so very, very careful with his words.
~He would not fly off the handle. Ever. It's just not in him. Unlike his wife...who tends to fly off the handle.
~He would always be there to help me land after flying off that handle.
~He would be so instinctively good with our children. A natural.
I had no idea... that...
~He would give of himself so selflessly...showing me what a true Godly man is all about.
I had no idea...that...
~He would leave toothpicks all over the house.
~He would vacuum without even being asked.
~He would not complain. He just does not complain.
~He would slow dance with me..but only at home or weddings.
~He would be willing to chauffer me around while I shopped. And still be in a good mood.
I had no idea this one person, this man would become more than all my heart could dream for.
Happy Birthday to you...my husband. Your 'older' wife is thankful for you, and tremendously joyful that you are mine. xoxoxo (if you'd like to pick up your toothpicks though that would still be great)
Now when I look back I don't think it was crazy I just realize I had no idea what I was getting into!! Usually when someone says that it's a bad thing....but for me it's just the opposite. I had no idea he was even better than I thought. (Hey this is my Rockstar's Birthday tribute...so I get to be mushy ooey gooey ok?) So here's my Birthday list for my baby...some of the "I had no ideas"
I had no idea...that...
~He would make me laugh as much as he does.
~He would never sing. Not even in the shower.
~He would do projects for me at 11:00pm even when he's bone tired. All because I'm a night owl and get creative. (see above picture)
~He would love me so fiercely.
~He would be so very, very careful with his words.
~He would not fly off the handle. Ever. It's just not in him. Unlike his wife...who tends to fly off the handle.
~He would always be there to help me land after flying off that handle.
~He would be so instinctively good with our children. A natural.
I had no idea... that...
~He would give of himself so selflessly...showing me what a true Godly man is all about.
I had no idea...that...
~He would leave toothpicks all over the house.
~He would vacuum without even being asked.
~He would not complain. He just does not complain.
~He would slow dance with me..but only at home or weddings.
~He would be willing to chauffer me around while I shopped. And still be in a good mood.
I had no idea this one person, this man would become more than all my heart could dream for.
Happy Birthday to you...my husband. Your 'older' wife is thankful for you, and tremendously joyful that you are mine. xoxoxo (if you'd like to pick up your toothpicks though that would still be great)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
A somewhat irrational phobia
I had to use a public restroom last night at a gas station. One of my top 3 least favorite things to do. I'm wondering if anyone else feels like I do about them? I will use them when absolutely necessary, but I'm kinda scared of them. They just plain old creep me out. I was reminded again last night of this and really started to wonder why? I mean honestly, what's my deal anyway? All I could think of is this list of stuff that goes through my mind everytime I have to use one.
1. The soap. I hate the soap. It always smells like icky cheap band-aids. But I MUST wash my hands so icky cheap band-aids it is.
2. The Bathroom stalls. I know they're supposed to offer privacy...and in fact they do...but to me the gap of space between you and the outside world might as well be the Grand Canyon! I always feel like people might just walk by and strike up a conversation "Oh, hi Jen...didn't know you were in there." "Good thing that space is so huge between the door and the stall or I would never have noticed your new haircut." "Hey, are those new jeans your'e wearing?" AHHH!
3. The toilet paper. How many of you know the old song..."One day at a time....sweet Jesus". It's beautiful. But it's been wrecked for me because now I sing "One sheet at a time". It becomes a power struggle between me and the huge black dispenser with the ginormous rolls of paper bigger than a pizza. Sometimes when I use just the right amount of torque and flex I'll get 3 maybe 4 sheets off that puppy...makes me wanna yell "Ha I won, I won!!!" The part that troubles me is how I feel I have something to prove. To a toilet paper dispenser. Really? (wince)
I have more. But I think for now I'll just share these top 3. Well wait...maybe just one more. You know those auto flushers...the NASA version of all flushers with the motion dectector sensor? Yeah, well I literally jump everytime one of those bad boys takes off. I envision my scarf getting stuck and me getting sucked into the abyss. The thought makes me cringe. Can you even imagine the amount of soap it would take to clean me up then? I'd have icky cheap band aid stench with me for weeks. Wonder if I need therapy?
1. The soap. I hate the soap. It always smells like icky cheap band-aids. But I MUST wash my hands so icky cheap band-aids it is.
2. The Bathroom stalls. I know they're supposed to offer privacy...and in fact they do...but to me the gap of space between you and the outside world might as well be the Grand Canyon! I always feel like people might just walk by and strike up a conversation "Oh, hi Jen...didn't know you were in there." "Good thing that space is so huge between the door and the stall or I would never have noticed your new haircut." "Hey, are those new jeans your'e wearing?" AHHH!
3. The toilet paper. How many of you know the old song..."One day at a time....sweet Jesus". It's beautiful. But it's been wrecked for me because now I sing "One sheet at a time". It becomes a power struggle between me and the huge black dispenser with the ginormous rolls of paper bigger than a pizza. Sometimes when I use just the right amount of torque and flex I'll get 3 maybe 4 sheets off that puppy...makes me wanna yell "Ha I won, I won!!!" The part that troubles me is how I feel I have something to prove. To a toilet paper dispenser. Really? (wince)
I have more. But I think for now I'll just share these top 3. Well wait...maybe just one more. You know those auto flushers...the NASA version of all flushers with the motion dectector sensor? Yeah, well I literally jump everytime one of those bad boys takes off. I envision my scarf getting stuck and me getting sucked into the abyss. The thought makes me cringe. Can you even imagine the amount of soap it would take to clean me up then? I'd have icky cheap band aid stench with me for weeks. Wonder if I need therapy?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Doin' Hardtime
I'm excited to say I won't be going to jail after all. Yay!! Up until a couple of weeks ago I honestly thought I might end up in the slammer. You see, we have neighbors with a little dog. A little dog who barks. Incessantly. Terribly. Loudly. And I really thought one day I might just snap...and ...well.... next thing you know, a squad car would show up, handcuffs would be flashed, and off I'd go for a ride in the caged backseat. My crying children would be begging Mr. Policeman "Don't take momma...Mister pleeeeeease not our mamma!!"
Before all you dog lovers start shouting PETA chants, or pickett in my front yard with "dogs are people too" signs, let me state that I DO like dogs. Honestly. I grew up with the cutest one ever. And making a long story short we did try the usual nice ways of dealing with this, and the more firm ways of dealing with this... because we want to get along with our neighbors. But really in the end..nothing helped. Only starting my ears on fire brought relief, and well, that became rather painful. I won't go into all the ways I might have ended up in jail. Let's just say one involved feeding the dog a 'special' treat in the middle of the night. (I can almost hear some people calling me Jennifer Vick about now) No, no, no, I would never condone such a thing...I'm just being real when I say it was hard to not imagine being free from the r.e.l.e.n.t.l.e.s.s. noise ...to enjoy sitting on our deck, getting the mail, going to our van, shoveling the walk, mowing the lawn, in peace. No yipping, barking, growling or howling.
The neighbors are moving.!! Did you hear me? (or is the dog barking?) Can I get a better Amen? I must admit that I did a little "the neighbors are moving" jig. I really never got to know them very well. But they do seem like really nice, quiet people. They just have a really, not so nice LOUD dog. I honestly wish them well. I hope they live somewhere far far in the country. Waaay out of ear shot. Someplace where no one will want to feed their dog 'special' treats or start their ears on fire. As for our new neighbors, I think I'm going to try and convince them that this is a "Goldfish Only" zone. In the end I'm sure it will all work out just fine. New neighbors, (with pet goldfish), no more PETA chants, or signs in my yard...no squad car, handcuffs or crying children. And best of all I get to stay out of the slammer. I guess I won't be stealing any of Michael Vick's thunder afterall.
WRITER'S DISCLAIMER: No real or imagined dogs were hurt, or even imaginarily hurt in the writing of the post. The writer does not condone 'special' midnight dog treats, nor does this writer condone 'ear burning'. Michael Vick was not hurt or damaged in the writing of this post. He is still a super rich QB for the Philadelphia Eagles. His real or imagined thunder is still intact.
Before all you dog lovers start shouting PETA chants, or pickett in my front yard with "dogs are people too" signs, let me state that I DO like dogs. Honestly. I grew up with the cutest one ever. And making a long story short we did try the usual nice ways of dealing with this, and the more firm ways of dealing with this... because we want to get along with our neighbors. But really in the end..nothing helped. Only starting my ears on fire brought relief, and well, that became rather painful. I won't go into all the ways I might have ended up in jail. Let's just say one involved feeding the dog a 'special' treat in the middle of the night. (I can almost hear some people calling me Jennifer Vick about now) No, no, no, I would never condone such a thing...I'm just being real when I say it was hard to not imagine being free from the r.e.l.e.n.t.l.e.s.s. noise ...to enjoy sitting on our deck, getting the mail, going to our van, shoveling the walk, mowing the lawn, in peace. No yipping, barking, growling or howling.
The neighbors are moving.!! Did you hear me? (or is the dog barking?) Can I get a better Amen? I must admit that I did a little "the neighbors are moving" jig. I really never got to know them very well. But they do seem like really nice, quiet people. They just have a really, not so nice LOUD dog. I honestly wish them well. I hope they live somewhere far far in the country. Waaay out of ear shot. Someplace where no one will want to feed their dog 'special' treats or start their ears on fire. As for our new neighbors, I think I'm going to try and convince them that this is a "Goldfish Only" zone. In the end I'm sure it will all work out just fine. New neighbors, (with pet goldfish), no more PETA chants, or signs in my yard...no squad car, handcuffs or crying children. And best of all I get to stay out of the slammer. I guess I won't be stealing any of Michael Vick's thunder afterall.
WRITER'S DISCLAIMER: No real or imagined dogs were hurt, or even imaginarily hurt in the writing of the post. The writer does not condone 'special' midnight dog treats, nor does this writer condone 'ear burning'. Michael Vick was not hurt or damaged in the writing of this post. He is still a super rich QB for the Philadelphia Eagles. His real or imagined thunder is still intact.
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